Friends in Faith

February 22, 2011 at 2:30 PM 4 comments

Photo Credit: Andrea Williams

We are very blessed to have several friends and family members who are active members of their churches.  We do not make distinctions between those who participate in one branch of Christianity over another.  In the end, it’s all about Jesus. We do have several friends who are Franciscan monks and nuns, as well as several other lay Christians who we socialize with when we have the opportunity.  But in our immediate neighborhood, we do not know many people and we know even fewer who believe in Our Father.

After the 11:15 service, our church puts on a brief coffee social in the basement. It’s an excellent opportunity to meet others of our congregation, and make new friends.

Michael and I haven’t been going to this church for very long. We have lived here since August but we went through a period of illness and fatigue that took some time to heal from. Now that we are able to get out and socialize, we are eager to make friends in our church.

We attend a regular course at our church on Monday evenings, and participate in a small group with several others. Every Monday night, we get to eat delicious food, socialize and have fun, and worship Jesus!  How wonderful!

Last night, one of the members of our small group invited is to a get together she is having at her home this weekend. We are both so excited to attend!   We also met up with another couple who I had met before our wedding, and who attend our church. We were also introduced to a third couple with three lovely young daughters. It is so wonderful to see our circle of friends ever growing, especially within a church setting. Having friends who can say “I’ll pray for you” and mean it are a true blessing!

This post is part of Gratituesday by Heavenly Homemakers.

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Nannie’s Day In! I Forgot the Beans!

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Kim  |  February 23, 2011 at 12:22 AM

    God is so good to bring those in to our lives whom we need or we can bless. Good luck with making the new friends!

    • 2. mamasheppard  |  February 23, 2011 at 5:48 AM

      That’s a very good point Kim! “Those we need or those we can bless.” It’s important for us to look for ways we can bless others just as much as they bless us. What a wonderful thought!

  • 3. Jeanie Gillis  |  February 23, 2011 at 5:39 AM

    How wonderful for you, a blessing indeed!

    • 4. mamasheppard  |  February 23, 2011 at 5:49 AM

      I can’t wait for the party. I will keep you posted!


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miniMOMist is an account of Mike, Nada and Naomi's journey into realistic minimalism, with the goal centered around simple living, and enjoying each other rather than things. We are a faith-based family and blog about our belief in God regularly. Our love for one another and our passion for a simple, minimalist life brings us much joy and pleasure.

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